Monday, March 25, 2013

Youtube tips

Ok thought I would do a quick post for those unsure about the different view options with Youtube. Obviously these days HD is becoming more the norm but you will find by default Youtube will depending on your connection type load up a lower video resolution option for you.

So how do you change it ? Easy really if you haven't worked it out already. From the Pic below I'll highlight the options to look for. Look for the Gear wheel to show you HD options and also the smaller and larger rectangle which will give you different viewing options.

The other option to send HD video's to friends is to copy the link to the Video with a bit of added code on the end of the link. For example below I'll insert two video links one in HD the other standard Youtube configuration, I know which one I prefer.

If you wish to send a link so the reciever views the HD version add &hd=1 to the end of the video link.

If your real adventurous have a look at a script addon to Chrome which will enable you to customize your online experience, also can give you the ability to download the videos in MP4 format.

Tampermonkey  for Chrome 

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

European Vacation - August 2013

Janine and I embark on a vacation to Europe, including Ireland the UK, Paris and if time permits slip down into Italy for a few days. From there back to Abu Dhabi then back home toward the end of August.

View  European Adventure  in a larger map