Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Backup iTunes

Well just thought I would share some info in regard to backing up your iTunes music. Not being a huge Apple fan I have scoured web pages on how to go about this process and have till now had 2 attempts both of which were unsuccessful. When I say that the music is still saved but haven't been able to recover with the library file as mentioned here and the metadata that goes along with it.

The latest system backup came about from an email from Apple which stated Em's iMac had a faulty hard drive installed and was being recalled .... great thanks Seagate.

Anyway  no doubt Apple fans have already mastered the backup process but for those not so educated in the Apple side of things follow the instructions below for a successful backup.Pretty easy to understand really .... what I missed initially was the correct folder that contains the library files, without backing up correct folder you will NOT have library files that are required to restore the backup.

As an example if you look at the below pics the folder you need to backup is the one before the one that contains the music ... so instead of just backing up the iTunesMedia Folder copy the one before that called iTunes. That contains the library files.

 Mine below as an example, check your folder name nay be different depending on your operating system.

Click here for the link to the Apple web site on the complete process.